Zeta :dragon: Offline Judge

- 2 mins

Zeta :dragon: is an offline judge for programming contests :trophy:

Landing Page

:guardsman: Features

:triangular_flag_on_post: Judging and Ranking

:pushpin: Judging

after judging a problem the contestant can get one of 4 responses :-

Alt text

green judge mean it is recommended to use this type of judging for this submmition

:oncoming_taxi: Ranking

                                                     Tstart - Tsub
       submition_rank =   problem_rank    -    _________________________    -    (    wrongAnswerCount   *   5    )

       Minimum Submmition Rank is = 40% Of problem rank

:rocket: PreRequirements

:fire: Installation

Before starting a contest you should go to Settings and set the starting time of the contest this time is used to ranks problems and contestant in the scoreboard

:construction: Contribution

Compilation and Running is based on this package (DORM) so feel free to have a look.

If you find any problem feel free to open issues with any error you find or features you think we can add to Zeta, if you have any problem while you are installing zeta please feel free to contact me at ahmedkhaled36@hotmail.com

:police_car: License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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